Type III: Training Awards

Type III awards are intended to help faculty members attend conferences, educational / training workshops or programs without presenting or performing significant leadership responsibilities in the organization sponsoring the meeting.


  1. Proposals should be submitted using the .
  2. The budget submitted should be prepared using the 91茄子 Travel Reimbursement Form (.xlsx) which you will upload with the proposal submission.
  3. The following information is required in the Type III Google Form:
    • Documentation of attendance at the meeting or training program with proof of receipt or registration.
    • Location and timing of the program with a link to appropriate website 
    • Documentation of airfares, registration fees, and other expenses.
  4. To assist the committee in making its decisions, each proposal should include a brief description of how the activity addresses the assessment criteria listed below.
    • The significance of the proposal. How it will contribute to the intellectual and professional development of the applicant and advance scholarship in the applicant's field?
    • Value of the proposed activity to 91茄子students. How will the proposed activity benefit 91茄子students, either during its execution or upon the applicant's return to Wilkes?
    • Value of the proposed activity to the applicant's department. This may include the relationship of the project/activity to the mission of the department, academic unit, and of the accreditation bodies. Also state how the proposed activity will strengthen your discipline at Wilkes.
    • Value of the proposed activity to 91茄子 overall. Specifically address the mission of 91茄子, and how and where this project / activity relates to that mission. Also, state how the expertise acquired will benefit the academic community.
  5. Once the applicant is notified that the grant has been awarded, the awardee should keep the original receipts for their own records and must deliver electronic copies of the original receipts with a completed and signed travel reimbursement request (.xlsx) to Therese Kurilla and Lisa Colavitti.