Sabbatical Proposals

As stated in the latest edition of the 91茄子 Faculty Handbook, the Faculty Development Committee is charged with evaluating all sabbatical proposals and ranking them based on their quality.

Quality will be assessed using the criteria listed below. It is incumbent upon the faculty member to state clearly in the proposal how the sabbatical requested meets these criteria:

  1. Value of the sabbatical leave to the professional and intellectual development of the faculty member.
  2. Direct or indirect value of the sabbatical leave to the students of 91茄子.
  3. Direct or indirect value of the sabbatical leave to the faculty member's department and program.
  4. Direct or indirect value of the sabbatical leave to 91茄子.

Note: The full is available for download and review.

According to the handbook, proposed activities may include academic work toward advanced degrees, postgraduate work, or appropriate scholarship in a field of choice. The faculty member should include as much detail as possible describing the nature and circumstances of the work to be done on sabbatical, such as the location, collaboration, and other sources of financial support committed or anticipated. The length of sabbatical leave requested should be clearly stated.

Proposal Format

  1. A Title Page, including the title of the proposal and description of the principal investigator (including name, campus address, telephone number, and e-mail). This page should include a signed statement that the applicant agrees to observe the conditions for sabbatical leaves as defined in the most recent edition of the Faculty Handbook.

    The title page must also include the signatures of the current department chair and current academic unit dean. Signatures must be obtained from those who hold or will hold the position for the upcoming academic year and dated within the calendar year that the proposal is submitted. Proposals that contain signatures of former chairs or deans or that are dated from a previous academic year will not be accepted for consideration.

  2. A concise, one-paragraph Summary Description of the nature of the proposed activity.
  3. A Full Project / Activity Description describing the details of the proposed project or activity. This should not exceed three pages (single-spaced), and should be directed to an educated lay reader.

    This section should include separate sections (listed under separate subheadings) describing the background, proposed activities themselves including the locations where the proposed activities will take place, and proposed timeline. Dissemination of knowledge gained must also be stated.

  4. A description of how the proposal addresses the assessment criteria listed above. This section should contain four separate subheadings addressing the following:
    • The significance of the proposal: how it will contribute to the intellectual and professional development of the applicant and advance scholarship in the applicant's field.
    • Value of the proposed activity to 91茄子students. How will the proposed activity benefit 91茄子students, either during its execution or upon the applicant's return to Wilkes?
    • Value of the proposed activity to the applicant's department. This may include the relationship of the project / activity to the mission of the department, academic unit, and of the accreditation bodies. Also state how the proposed activity will strengthen your discipline at Wilkes.
    • Value of the proposed activity to 91茄子 overall. Specifically address the mission of 91茄子, and how and where this project / activity relates to that mission. Also, state how the expertise acquired will benefit the academic community.
  5. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant (2 pages maximum) clearly stating past accomplishments, especially in the proposed activity.
  6. Length of service at Wilkes. For applicants who have previously taken sabbatical leave this section should state when these were taken and report the value of the previous sabbatical to the applicant and to 91茄子.
  7. Acknowledgment by the Department Chairperson and Academic Unit Dean. This acknowledgment will consist of memoranda of endorsement from the chairperson and the unit dean indicating the degree / level of support from the department or the academic unit for the project / activity; and the importance of the project / activity to the mission of the department and of the academic unit. Such accompanying memoranda should be attached to the proposal.
  8. Up to three supporting letters may be appended.
  9. Where appropriate, supporting documents (financial support, preliminary data, requests for collaboration, etc.) may be appended.
  10. Other special aspects of the proposal which the applicant wishes the committee to take into account (e.g. service to humanity) may be appended.
  11. Up to three professional contacts from outside the university that the committee may reach out to for the external review of the sabbatical.