Administrative Unit Review

The 91茄子 Assessment Committee (UAC) will guide each new administrative unit to set measurable goals (objectives) to assess unit performance. The UAC will also encourage these units to assess those goals, and to use the assessment findings to improve the operation and performance of their units.

Assessment Policy

New units are encouraged to submit an initial assessment plan with their objectives for review by the University Assessment Committee. The University Assessment Committee will provide feedback on the proposed assessment plan. Once the initial assessment plan and objectives are determined, units enter the Administrative Program Review Cycle following two full years of operation.

Administrative directors will revise, delete or add a unit's objectives as appropriate to ensure they remain dynamic, relevant, and measurable.

Review Schedule

The multi-year administrative unit review schedule below provides an overview for what type of review each unit is slated to complete based on their activity each fiscal year.

Reporting Process Overview

Both types of review follow the same reporting timeline each year, extending from June through late October. The reporting process overview linked below clarifies both the timeline and the roles various stakeholders play in these processes.

Review Types

Full Review

A Full Review (FR) is conducted by administrative units every three years. As the name implies, the full review is more in-depth in its reporting expectations than is the annual update.

Annual Update

Annual Update (AU) reviews are conducted by administrative units the years between full reviews. The purpose of each annual update is to provide a report on progress between full reviews.

Instructional Videos

Videos require login to watch.

Administrative Unit Annual Update Video

Administrative Unit | Full Review Video


If you have any questions about the University Assessment Committee, please contact either of the committee co-chairs:

Brian Bogert

Director of Institutional Research

Chad Stanley

Associate Professor, English