Funding Opportunities

Funding Sources and Searches

Sponsored project funding can come from a range of external sources, such as government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations or foundations. Sponsors make their funding interests known through solicitations that announce availability of funding to support projects within specific areas of interest.

91茄子 also provides modest funding for faculty projects through the Faculty Development Committee and the Mentoring Committee. In addition, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs manages the pre-award and post-award processes for The Provost's Research and Scholarship Fund.

Many government agencies and philanthropic organizations publish useful updates on grant opportunities and some provide grant alert subscription services:

  • : The official publication of NIH policies, procedures, and available funds
  • : Free email subscription service customizable to your needs and interests
  • : Subscription service of the National Center for Environmental Research
  • : Single access point for grant programs offered by the 26 federal grant-making agencies
  • : Search portal for federal, state, and local government websites
  • : Register and subscribe to specialized funding newsletters geared toward your interests